I don’t want to sound alarmist, but did you know that as of today (19 November) there are only 76 days to Christmas?
You might think, Ha!, there’s plenty of time to get ready. But there ain’t. One year, back when I had a retail shop, I stayed open until 7.00pm on Christmas Eve. And at 6.58pm, a man came running in and said Quick, show me everything you’ve got that’s red! He swore he blinked in October and suddenly it was Christmas. At least he was organised enough to know his wife’s favourite colour. And, luckily for him, I had some very nice things that were red. So he made a magnificent save, and his wife likely never knew how close she came to getting a red plastic trinket and service station flowers.
Note to All Men: under no circumstances are service station flowers acceptable. Buy cheap chocolate before you buy cheap flowers.
Note to All Men: never buy cheap chocolate for the woman you say you love. The (perfectly legitimate) response will not be all you hoped for.

So, anyway, don’t be that man. The good news is that you do have ample time to get something nice but affordable in time to pop under the Christmas tree for someone special. Or for yourself, why not? You're spesh. The better news is that I’m having one of my extremely rare sales.
From now until Christmas, all jewellery on my website is 25% off. There are beautiful Lea Stein brooches, French antique necklaces, American Monet pieces (one of my favourite brands), even a super rare Georg Jenson silver pendant and chain. These days, I only sell jewellery through the website, and you’re getting to hear about this sale a few days before anyone else, because you’re a subscriber to my website. Membership has its benefits!
And yes, you’ll find something red. And nice.